OSP Professional Contracts
Monthly Reporting for Contracts Approved Under Agency Delegation
When are monthly reports due?
- Reports should be submitted by the fifth (5th) business day of each month. Reports should cover the entire calendar month immediately prior to submittal.
For example, April 1, 2021 is a Thursday, and so Wednesday, April 7, 2021 is the fifth (5th) business day of the month. The report due that day should cover March 1, 2021 through March 31, 2021.
What should be included in my monthly report?
- The minimum amount of information to be provided is included in the Excel Reporting Template.
Why am I being required to report monthly instead of quarterly?
- In the past, reports were required quarterly. Act 87 of 2015 required OSP to report monthly to JLCB whether contracts it reviews are for discretionary or non-discretionary purposes. OSP continues to collect and collate this information in order to meet statutory obligations for reporting.
How and where do I send my monthly report?
- Reports should be submitted on the provided Excel Reporting Template to OSP.Reports@la.gov.
How do I determine if a contract is...?
- Discretionary vs. Non-discretionary
Non-discretionary contracts are those in which the State cannot realistically choose freely
whether or not to procure the contractual goods/services. Because of one or more
circumstances, the State is strongly obligated to immediately enter into a contract. For
more information on classifying your contract refer this memo. - Professional, Personal, Social, or Consulting
OSP has produced a training to explain the difference between these and several other contract types. Please review the training slides here. If you are still unsure, please reach out to the helpdesk at doa-pchelpdesk@la.gov. - LaGov number
The LaGov number will either begin with 20 or 44. It is a ten-digit number given to you when you enter a contract into LaGov. - Special vs. Regular Delegation
Regular Delegation is less than $20,000, and special is any other delegation granted to your agency.