Professional Services RFPs
professional services rfps
general information
Below is general information related to professional services RFPs.
What is the Office of State Procurement (OSP), Professional Contracts Procurement Support Team (PST)?
The Procurement Support Team is created in both statute and rule; R.S.39:1621 and LAC 34:V, Subchapter C. The PST serves as an advisory group to the Director of Professional Contracts for certain consulting services contracts. Its members include representatives from the Attorney General's office, the Legislative Fiscal Office, the state agency initiating the contract, and Professional Contracts.
When is PST review required?
Information Technology (IT) consulting services exceeding $225,000 require PST review of the RFP, the selection process, and the subsequent contract. Sole source and emergency IT consulting services contracts exceeding $225,000 also require PST review. All other consulting services anticipated to cost $225,000 or more will require PST review of the RFP, the selection process, and subsequent contract only if required by the director of Professional Contracts.
When does PST meet?
The PST meets every three weeks throughout the year. Professional Contracts reserves the right at any time to cancel and re-schedule in the event of conflict with members' schedules.
For RFP's and contracts requiring review by the PST, the agency should submit one copy of the completed RFP or unsigned final negotiated contract to Professional Contracts at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the next scheduled PST meeting. The documents must be submitted in electronic format via PROACT or email to DOA-PC HELP DESK. Please mark the documents clearly and include a cover memo advising Professional Contracts of the request for PST review. In the subject line of the email, state as follows: RFP title/ for PST review/ agency name.
The standard Information Technology/Data Processing consulting contract format has been approved for use by Professional Contracts and the Procurement Support Team (PST). Therefore, contracts on this format may be reviewed more quickly and with fewer rewrites. Revisions to this format should be redlined or highlighted when submitted for PST review and approval. Additionally, the PST budget form should be submitted. Click here for the PST budget form.
Professional Contracts will review the document and advise the agency of any changes to the RFP or contract which may be necessary. Professional Contracts will distribute a copy of the RFP or contract to each PST member at least seven (7) calendar days before the next PST. When submitting a contract for PST review, the final negotiated contract should be unsigned (this includes sole source or emergency contracts). Signatures would be obtained after review and revisions requested by the PST are made.
For Agencies who have been on boarded in LESA
Agency – Create and submit a Sourcing Request in LESA. The Creating a Sourcing Request Help Script can be found here.
- The Agency must attach the draft Scope of Work (SOW) and draft Special Terms and Conditions documents to the Sourcing Request.
- Templates for the SOW and Special Terms and Conditions are attached in the LESA Sourcing Request in the Documents tab. These templates are also provided below and in the Sample Documents and Templates section.
- Scope of Work (SOW) Template
- Special Terms and Conditions Template
OSP - The OSP Analyst assigned to the project will create a Sourcing Project from the Sourcing Request and schedule a Project Kickoff Meeting with the Project Lead.
OSP/Agency - The OSP Analyst will work with the Project Lead to create the Proposer Questionnaire and the Price Schedule Attachments. The Responding to Review Tasks Help Script can be found here.
OSP - The OSP Analyst will draft the Sample Contract and send it to the Project Lead for review.
OSP - The OSP Analyst will draft the RFP Template and send it to the Project Lead and Agency Legal (if required) for review. Once all reviews have been completed, the OSP Analyst will publish the RFP, notify potential proposers, and advertise in the newspaper, LaPAC, and Ariba Discovery.
OSP - The OSP Analyst will receive all Proposer inquiries and work with the Project Lead to draft the States Responses and publish the Q&A addendum.
OSP - The OSP Analyst will receive all proposals on the proposal opening date and then complete the Administrative Review.
OSP/Agency - The OSP Analyst will schedule an Evaluation Kickoff Meeting and Consensus Meeting(s) with the Evaluation Committee Members and the Project Lead.
Agency - The Agency will submit an Award Recommendation for OSP Concurrence, by approving the Award Recommendation task in LESA.
OSP - Once OSP Concurrence is received, the OSP Analyst will notify all Proposers of the Intent to Award.
For Higher Ed or Agencies not on-boarded in LESA
Agency - The Agency will create a Transmittal in ProAct (Higher Ed only) or a Shopping Cart in LaGov. The Agency must attach a draft RFP Document, all RFP Attachments, an RFP Submission Form, and a Key Internal Control Form (if applicable) to the Transmittal/Shopping Cart. The RFP Template is provided here and below in the Sample Documents and Templates section.
OSP - The OSP Analyst assigned to the project will review the draft RFP Document and work with the Agency to make any necessary revisions.
Agency - Once the RFP Document is approved by OSP, the Agency will publish the RFP to LaPAC, notify a minimum of three potential proposers, advertise in the newspaper, and post the RFP to the Board of Regents (if 100% federally funded).
Agency - The Agency will receive all Proposer inquiries and draft the Agency Responses. The OSP Analyst will review the Questions and Answers Addendum. Once the Addendum is approved by OSP, the Agency will publish the Addendum to LaPAC.
Agency - The Agency will receive all Proposals and complete the Administrative Review.
Agency - The Agency will schedule Consensus Meeting(s) with the Evaluation Committee. OSP is available to observe and assist with Consensus Meetings.
Agency - The Agency will submit all Evaluation Documents to OSP for review and Concurrence. Once OSP Concurrence is received, the Agency will notify all Proposers of the Award.
OSP - Once an award has been made, the OSP Analyst will create a Contract Workspace in LESA and work with the Agency Contract Manager to draft the Contract.
Agency - The Agency Contract Manager will negotiate the Contract with the selected Proposer. OSP is available to assist with negotiations if needed.
Agency - The Agency Contract Manager will ensure that all Agency reviews of the negotiated contract have been completed before routing the negotiated contract to OSP for review.
OSP - The OSP Analyst will collect the following Ancillary Documents from Contractor: the Secretary of State registration, Federal debarment clearance (, Signature Authority/Board Resolution, Certificate of Insurance (if insurance required), Vendor Profile form, and Performance or Fidelity Bond (if required).
OSP - The OSP Analyst will route the Contract for the Contractor and Agency signatures through LESA/DocuSign.
Agency - The Agency will complete the BA-22 and Civil Service Form (if applicable).
Agency - The Agency will create a PO/Contract in LaGov to obtain all applicable approvals (Civil Service, LDR, and OPB) and for payment purposes.
OSP - OSP will approve the PO/Contract in LaGov and attach the fully executed Contract in LaGov and LESA.
IMPORTANT NOTE - OSP cannot approve/finalize the Contract until OSP receives both a) the Contract signed by the Contractor and Agency AND b) the PO/Contract in LaGov.
Agency - The Agency will draft the contract and negotiate with the selected Proposer. OSP is available to assist with negotiations, if needed.
Agency - The Agency will ensure that all Agency reviews of the negotiated contract have been completed before routing the negotiated contract to OSP for review.
OSP - OSP will review a draft of the negotiated contract.
Agency - Once the negotiated contract is approved by OSP, the Agency will route the contract for Contractor and Agency signatures.
Agency - The Agency will create a transmittal in ProAct (Higher Ed only) or a PO/Contract in LaGov and submit the signed contract and all required ancillary documents (BA-22, Civil Service Form, Certificate of Insurance, Secretary of State Certificate, and Signature Authority/Board Resolution, etc.) to OSP for final approval.
Agency - The Agency is to submit a Change Order/Amendment to the PO/Contract in LaGov, with the following documents attached:
- Draft (unsigned) Amendment (the Amendment Template can be found here);
- Cover letter/justification letter;
- Updated BA-22 (if applicable); and
- Updated Civil Service Form (if applicable)
OSP - The OSP Analyst will review the draft Amendment and collect any other ancillary documents needed such as signature authority/board resolution, insurance, SOS, etc. Once approved, OSP will route the amendment to the Contractor and Agency for signatures.
Emergency Contracts are a two-step process. The following information provides guidance for both steps of the process.
Step 1: Request Pre-Approval for an Emergency Contract
Agency - The Agency must submit a LaGov Shopping Cart with the following information:
- A Letter of request for the Emergency condition to the OSP Director from the Agency Secretary or Undersecretary or authorized designee which fully explains why the agency believes the situation warrants an emergency, what critical services must be provided via an Emergency Contact, and the consequences of not having an Emergency Contract in place.
- Three years of past contracting history (if applicable) for the services being requested, including LaGov numbers/ProAct numbers, contractor’s name, and the contract amount. Indicate whether any of those contracts were the result of an emergency request. This information can be entered in the LaGov Approval Notes or LaGov Internal Notes section of the LaGov Shopping Cart.
- The date of the most recently completed RFP for the services being requested or the status of the current RFP for the services being requested, including the date it was sent or will be sent to OSP for review. Include the proposed Schedule of Events for the RFP. This information can be entered in the LaGov Approval Notes and Utility or Internal Notes section of the LaGov Shopping Cart.
- A proposed draft Emergency Contract (unsigned), including the proposed term of the Emergency Contract and the dollar amount (the Emergency Contract Template can be found here or in the Sample Documents and Templates section below).
IMPORTANT NOTE: When creating a LaGov Shopping Cart make sure to check the “Emergency Pre-approval” box located on the Agency tab.
If Pre-Approval is granted,
OSP - OSP will approve the LaGov Shopping Cart. If revisions are needed to the draft Contract, OSP will add a comment in the Approval Notes and attach a redlined draft Contract with OSP comments and recommendations.
Agency - The Agency will then route the Emergency Contract to the Contractor for signature and collect all required ancillary documents (BA-22, Civil Service Form, Certificate of Insurance, Secretary of State Certificate, and Signature Authority/Board Resolution, etc.)
Step 2: Request Approval for the Emergency Contract
Agency - The Agency is to submit a LaGov Purchase Order or Contract with the signed Emergency Contract and all required ancillary documents for OSP review and approval.
Emergency Contract Amendments are a two-step process. The following information provides guidance for both steps of the process.
Step 1: Request Pre-Approval for an Amendment to the Emergency Contract
Agency - Through LaGov Approval Notes and Attachments Utility, the Agency is to attach the following information to the Emergency Contract PO/Contract in LaGov:
- Letter of request for Emergency condition to the OSP Director from the Agency Secretary or Undersecretary or authorized designee which fully explains why the agency believes the situation warrants an emergency, what critical services must be provided via an emergency contact, and the consequences of not having a contract in place.
- Three years of past contracting history (if applicable) for the services being requested, including: LaGov/ProAct #, contractor name, and contract amount. Indicate whether any of those contracts were the result of an emergency request. This information can be entered in the approval notes or internal notes section of the shopping cart.
- Date of the most recently completed RFP for the services requested or status of the current RFP for the services requested, including date it was sent or will be sent to OSP for review. Include the proposed schedule of events for the RFP. This information can be entered in the approval notes or internal notes section of the shopping cart.
- Proposed draft Emergency Contract Amendment (unsigned), including the proposed term and amount (the Amendment template can be found here or in the Sample Documents and Templates section below).
Agency - The Agency must then email a request for an Amendment to the Emergency Contract to the OSP Assistant Director responsible for Professional Contracts and both RFP Team Managers.
If pre-approved,
OSP - OSP will notify the Agency in LaGov through the Approval Notes and Attachments Utility. The Agency will then route the Emergency Contract Amendment to the Contractor for signature and collect all required ancillary documents (BA-22, Civil Service Form, insurance, SOS cert, Board Resolution, etc.)
Step 2: Request Approval for an Amendment to the Emergency Contract
Agency - The Agency is to submit a PO/Contract in LaGov with the signed Emergency Contract Amendment and all required ancillary documents for OSP review and approval.
sample documents and templates
The following are sample documents and templates prepared by the Office of State Procurement as a guide for using agencies who issue RFPs for professional services contracts.
The following are sample letters prepared by Office of State Procurement (OSP), Professional Contracts as a guide for using agencies.
- Sample Letter of Justification for Late Contract Submittal
- Contracts should be submitted prior to their effective dates. No contract shall be approved which has been submitted 60 days after its effective date, unless written justification is provided by the using agency and approval is granted by the Director of OSP or his/her designee. This sample is the minimum requirement for the Office of State Procurement's consideration of a contract's late submittal. (LAC 34.V. 2521 (A))
- Contracts should be submitted prior to their effective dates. No contract shall be approved which has been submitted 60 days after its effective date, unless written justification is provided by the using agency and approval is granted by the Director of OSP or his/her designee. This sample is the minimum requirement for the Office of State Procurement's consideration of a contract's late submittal. (LAC 34.V. 2521 (A))
- Sample Letter of Justification for Multi-Year Contract
- This sample document contains minimum language for justifying a contract that will extend beyond twelve months.
- Sample Letter of Justification for Late Contract Submittal
The Office of State Procurement, Professional Contracts must verify funding availability, at least for the first fiscal year of the contract prior to final approval. See the links below for instructions on how to prepare a form BA-22 and for a sample form which must be used by state agencies or you may contact your agency's budget office for additional information.
Below is a sample board resolution. When a contractor is a corporation, either for-profit or non-profit, a formal, dated board resolution must be secured and attached to the contract indicating that the signatory is a corporate representative and authorized to sign said contract. This resolution shall be no more than two (2) years old.
A meeting of the Board of Directors of (CORPORATION'S NAME) was held on (DATE), whereby a resolution was passed authorizing (NAME AND TITLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION) by his signature, to enter into any and all contractual obligations on behalf of this corporation.
Secretary and/or Chairman
Affidavit which has been filed with the Secretary of State's Office if contractor is a for-profit corporation whose stock is not publicly traded.
Click this link to download the Disclosure of Ownership form from the SOS's website.
If this form is unavailable, please notify and request guidance from
A performance evaluation for every personal, professional, consulting or social service contract shall be prepared by the using agency in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 39:1569.1. The performance evaluation shall be retained by the using agency for all contracts approved under delegated authority. For all other contracts, the performance evaluation shall be submitted to the Office of State Procurement, Professional Contracts within sixty (60) days after the completion of performance and no contract may be entered into by any using agency with any contractor for which a delinquent final evaluation report remains outstanding.
Additionally, the using agency shall submit final evaluation reports for contracts greater than or equal to $250,000 to the Legislative Auditor.
Below is a suggested sample of the type of performance evaluation to be prepared by the Agency and contains the minimum information required by law.
Professional Services RFP Contract Evaluation Form