Document Filing/Submittal
Emergency Rules require Governor’s Office submittal, Legislative submittal, Attorney General’s Office submittal and Office of the State Register submittal. This is to be completed by the fifth day after adoption. See CCP 5059 for computation of time.
Notices of Intent (proposed Rules) require Legislative submittal and Office of the State Register submittal. Legislative and Office of the State Register submittal must be completed on the same day. This is considered the first report as required by R.S. 49:966(B)(1).
In addition to the above-stated submittal procedures, agencies under Office of the Governor must submit Notices of Intent to Office of the Governor.
Summary Reports require Legislative submittal and must be done at least 30 days prior to Rule submittal.
Rules require Office of the State Register submittal.
Potpourri Notices require Office of the State Register submittal.
Each entity has differing submittal requirements.
Choose the type of submittal you would like to review.
All Emergency Rules can be e-mailed to:
The words "Emergency Rule(s)" should be in the subject line.
Each Emergency Rule is to be an individually signed and dated pdf copy.
Remember to include contact information in the body of the e-mail.
All Emergency Rules, Notices of Intent, and Summary Reports are required to use Legislative APA E-mail Addresses.
Emergency Rule Submittals:
- The words "Emergency Rule(s)" should be in the subject line.
- Each Emergency Rule is to be an individually signed and dated pdf copy.
- Remember to include contact information in the body of the e-mail.
- Also remember to include the effective date of the Emergency Rule in the preamble.
Notice of Intent (First Legislative Report) Submittals
- The words "Notice(s) of Intent" should be in the subject line.
- Each Notice of Intent is to be an individual pdf copy.
- Each signed Fiscal and Economic Impact Statement is to be an individual pdf copy.
- Remember to include contact information in the body of the e-mail.
Summary Report Submittals (Second Legislative Report, used for Rule Review):
- The words "Summary Report(s)" should be in the subject line.
- Each Summary Report is to be an individual pdf copy with corresponding Notice of Intent attached.
- Remember to include contact information in the body of the e-mail.
All Emergency Rules can be e-mailed to:
The words "Emergency Rule(s)" should be in the subject line.
Each Emergency Rule is to be an individually signed and dated pdf copy.
Remember to include contact information in the body of the e-mail.
A document to be published in a given month must be submitted to the Office of the State Register by noon on the tenth day of that month (for example: a document to be published in the April Register must be submitted by April 10). If the tenth of the month falls on a weekend or a holiday, the deadline becomes noon on the preceding day.
The following materials must be submitted for each document.
1. A signed Insertion Order. The insertion order provides us with basic information about the document, such as the type of document, the document title, the rulemaking agency, and the contact person at the agency. Each individual document must be accompanied by a signed insertion order, and every insertion order must be signed by an agency designee.
2. MSWord copies of Emergency Rules, Notices of Intent and Potpourri Notices must be e-mailed to prior to office submittal. Each MSWord document must contain all materials to be printed, in specified order.
3. An original approved Fiscal and Economic Impact Statement (FEIS) for each Notice of Intent.