Statewide Vendors
Application Process for Payroll Deduction
The Office of State Uniform Payroll is responsible for the administration of the rules governing state employee payroll deductions. Products that are authorized through the Office of State Uniform Payroll are for all state employees and all state agencies of the executive branch of state government as defined under R.S. 36:4. The only exception to this is higher education facilities overseen by a governing board. The governing board has the authority to approve additional products or remove any product per the boards' established policies.
Vendors requesting to add products, policy forms or service plans under approved products, or new entities interested in having a payroll deduction slot to offer individual policies/service plans (where the employee is the owner of the policy) to state employees should forward a written request on company letterhead to the following address:
Attn: Andrea P. Hubbard, Director
Division of Administration
Office of State Uniform Payroll
P.O. Box 94095
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095
Please indicate:
1) your interest in having a payroll deduction slot,
2) the name of your company,
3) the company home office address and phone number,
4) a contact name, phone number and email address, and
5) the products that you are interested in having payroll deducted.
NOTE: This does not apply to state employees employed by a higher education facility overseen by a governing board. Contact the facility's governing board for their policy and procedures for new products.
Vendors interested in having a payroll deduction slot for group plans (where the state is the owner of the policy) should contact the Office of Group Benefits at the following address:
Attn: Chief Executive Officer
Office of Group Benefits
P.O. Box 44036
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4036
(800) 272-8451
The Rule governing payroll deductions (LAC 4:III. Chapter 1) provides the detailed policies for vendor applicants and current vendors. Vendors interested in obtaining a payroll deduction slot should review this rule and be prepared to comply with the policies of the rule.
The current Rule can be accessed on page 13 of the Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 4, Administration, Part III, Chapter 1 at the Office of State Register's web site.
On or before Aug. 1, current year - Applications and instructions will be mailed to all vendors who sent letters prior to July 1, current year.
- Aug. 1, current year - Aug. 31, current year - Vendors can submit completed applications to the Office of State Uniform Payroll (OSUP). {106.D}
- Sept. 1, current year - April 1, next year - Employee Payroll Benefits Committee shall review applications. {106.F}
- April 1, next year or sooner - Employee Payroll Benefits Committee shall issue an opinion of the results of the annual review along with recommended actions to the Commissioner of Administration. {106.G and 106.H}
- May 1, next year or sooner - Commissioner of Administration shall advise OSUP whether EPBC recommendations relative to products and new applications have been accepted or denied. {106.I}
- May 1, next year - May 31, next year - OSUP shall notify all applicants whether requests were approved or denied and notify LaGov HCM paid user agencies and other departments/agencies of authorized deductions. {106.J.1 and 106.J.3}
- July 1, next year - Deduction authorization for new products will be established and continue in upcoming plan year. Eligible products may become part of the flexible benefits plan in Jan. 2nd year.
Requests for enhancements to existing vendor products, policies or service plans must be submitted to OSUP for review and approval by April 1 and Oct. 1 annually.
Enhancements to policies occur when:
a) a vendor requests to broaden an existing, solicited policy's benefit coverage;
b) a vendor requests the existing, solicited policy to be replaced by the enhanced policy;
c) the vendor stops soliciting the existing policy;
d) current policyholders may choose to keep the existing policy or convert to the enhanced policy; and
e) new policyholders must purchase the enhanced policy.
OSUP and the EPBC will review the request and notify the vendor of approval or denial by June 1 and Dec. 1 annually.
a) If approved, OSUP will include the procedures for implementing the enhancement in the approval notification for July 1 and Jan. 1 annually.
b) If denied, OSUP will add the vendor to the file of vendors for new applications. (See Sec 106 for new application process).
The deadline for policy changes to be submitted to OSUP is July 1 annually.
Changes, including but not limited to, rate changes, co-payment changes and reduction in benefits occur when:
a) a vendor requests an existing, solicited policy to be changed;
b) current policyholders shall be enrolled in the changed policy unless they terminate the policy in writing with their payroll office or the vendor; and
c) new policyholders must purchase the changed policy.
OSUP will notify the vendor by July 15 of the acceptance and procedures for implementing the policy change for Jan. 1.
Additional questions should be directed to the Benefits & Financial Administration Unit.
Send an Email to the OSUP Benefits & Financial Administration Unit with any questions.
Provides a list of agencies paid through the LaGov HCM payroll system.
Provides a link to agency contact information.
Provides a calendar of payroll dates and a pay period table which includes pay period begin dates to be used in completing State Employee Payroll Authorization Forms (SED-4's). Also identifies pay period end dates to assist vendors with timely submission of SED-4's to agency payroll offices.