Delegated Projects
Section 1. Part VII-A of Chapter 26 of Title 17 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 17:3369.1 through 3369.4, is hereby enacted to read as follows:
PART VII-A. COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY DEFERRED MAINTENANCE AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM §3369.1. College and university deferred maintenance and capital improvement program; intent. It is the intent of the legislature to establish a program to address the deferred maintenance and capital improvement needs that exist for facilities located on public postsecondary educational institution campuses in Louisiana. This Part specifically authorizes the issuance of bonds in order to address the deferred maintenance and capital improvement projects that exist at each public postsecondary educational facility in the state.
"Project" means improvements addressing deferred maintenance of public facilities including the complete renovation of buildings with significant deferred maintenance needs; utility infrastructure; drainage, street, sidewalk, and site infrastructure; the demolition of public facilities; and any other improvements to address deferred maintenance needs, to be financed as authorized and provided in this Part and R.S. 17:3361 et seq. The term "project" shall not include new buildings or building additions, other than minor additions required for code compliance or improved access to a public facility.