Enabling Legislation
Enabling Legislation
Act 46 – 2015 Regular Session
Legislation for the ancillary expenses of state government effectively consolidated the functions, assets, and staff for the Office of State Printing and the Office of State Mail into the Office of Technology Services pursuant to the authority granted in Acts 15 and 45 of the 2014 Regular Session; text specific to this action is in Schedule 21-815 on page 5.
Act 241 – 2015 Regular Session
Amended and reenacted R.S. 39:140 and R.S. 39:141.B to merge the Office of Telecommunications Management under the supervision and control of the chief information officer in the Office of Technology Services (OTS). The amendment excluded public postsecondary institutions of education, their management boards, and the Board of Regents from the requirement to participate, unless the chief information officer can verify to the institution or board that inclusion per contracted service would result in savings.
Act 45 – 2014 Regular Session
This legislation provides for the ancillary expenses of state government and authorizes the Commissioner of Administration to transfer functions, positions, assets, and funds between and within departments in conjunction with the assessment conducted by the Office of Technology Services of staff, assets, contracts, and facilities of information technology resources, in order to optimize resources and provide cost savings. Text specific to the IT Consolidation is Section 8, page 3; Schedule 21-815 is on page 8.
Act 15 – 2014 Regular Session
Provided for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2014-2015. It also provided for a reorganization of the Office of Information Technology into the Office of Technology Services; text specific to IT Consolidation is Section 6.B, page 4:
Pursuant to the authority granted to the Office of Information Technology in R.S. 39:15.1 through R.S. 39:15.3, or its successor, and in conjunction with the assessment of the existing staff, assets, contracts, and facilities of each department, agency, program, or budget unit’s information technology resources, upon completion of this assessment and to the extent optimization of these resources will result in the projected cost savings through staff reductions, realization of operational efficiencies, and elimination of asset duplication, the commissioner of administration is authorized to transfer the functions, positions, assets, and funds from any other department, agency, program, or budget units related to this optimization to a different department. The provisions of this Subsection shall not apply to the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism. The provisions of this Subsection also shall not apply to any agency contained in Schedule 04, Elected Officials, of this Act.
Act 712 – 2014 Regular Session
Recreated the Office of Information Technology as the Office of Technology Services and renamed the position of CIO as State Chief Information Officer. Added authority for the CIO to oversee operation of information technology and information resources. Provided for additional duties and responsibility for establishing and coordinating all information technology systems and services across the executive branch of state government, including: acting as the sole centralized customer for the acquisition, billing, and record keeping of information technology systems or services provided to state agencies; reviewing, coordinating, approving, or disapproving requests by state agencies for information technology procurement; providing for the establishment of master purchase contracts for equipment provided by individual manufacturers.
Act 409 – 2009 Regular Session
Abolished the Office of Electronic Services and transferred its duties to the Office of Information Technology, redefined duties of the Louisiana Geographic Information Systems Council and the Louisiana Geographic Information Center.
Act 772 - 2001 Regular Session / RS 39:15.1 - 39:15.6
Amended and reenacted R.S. 39:141-143 and R.S. 39:1752 adding local and wide area network systems and services and video systems and services to the types of telecommunications products and services affected by the Office of Telecommunications Management. The act also added the duty of the management of building access by telecommunications common carriers to state facilities.
Act 772 - 2001 Regular Session / RS 39:141
Provides for the duties of the Office of Telecommunications Management.
Act 740 - 2001 Regular Session / RS 33:2933
Provided for electronic governmental transactions
Act 244 - 2001 Regular Session / RS 9:2601 - RS 9:2620
Defined and provided for digital signatures.
Act 1032 - 2001 Regular Session / RS 33:2933
Allowed electronic payment transactions by certain state agencies.
Act 1098 – 1997 Regular Session / RS 39:1751-1755
Act 1098 of the 1997 Regular Session established the Office of Telecommunications Management and its duties including the procedures to be utilized in competitive procurement of telecommunications systems and services. The act defined the types of permitted contracts, the method of procurement, and the products and services affected. It provided that the Office of Telecommunications Management, through State Purchasing, may on behalf of any state agency enter into such telecommunications contracts. It mandated all such procurement activity shall be approved and coordinated by the Office of Telecommunications Management.