State Government Telephone Directory
State Government Telephone Directory
OTS publishes the Louisiana State Government Telephone Directory in an effort to provide an accurate, effective source of information to state agencies.
The Louisiana State Government Telephone Directory is divided into four sections:
- The Information Section contains a quick reference telephone list for access to key personnel and major sections at OTS and information on repair and trouble reporting.
- The Listings Section contains telephone and FAX numbers for state agencies. These listings are arranged alphabetically. Local dialing instructions can be found before the listings of each of the seven major metropolitan areas.
- The Reference Section contains telephone numbers for Louisiana's congressional delegation, state legislators, executive branch elected and appointed officials and colleges and universities.
- The Telecommunications Coordinators Section explains the responsibilities of a state agency Telecommunications Coordinator.
The ability to provide correct information to state agencies, as well as to the general public, is directly related to the quality of telephone directory information furnished by state agencies.
Billing Rates
Listings in this directory are provided to agencies at no charge.
How to Order
Access the Louisiana State Government Telephone Directory online. OTS updates agency listings periodically throughout the year and provides TCs with the procedures for submitting updates. If corrections to any listing are necessary, the TC should send a written request to the OTS Information and Training Section. Detailed instructions pertaining to telephone listing additions, deletions or changes should be included.
Email OTS NCS Knowledge Management or call 225.342.7725.