TIN 14-05
Telecommunications Information Notice 14-05 Toll Free Number Justification and Approval Policy
September 11, 2014
Toll Free Service allows calls to be completed to a location without a charge to the caller. The caller dials a number in the format 8XX-XXX-XXXX, and the call is routed and billed to the called party. The service area can be nationwide or restricted to calls placed from within Louisiana. Calls made from local numbers will incur the same charges as other calls. Because the state incurs the cost of these incoming calls, careful consideration should be given for use of toll free numbers. If the callers will be local, or have access to wireless phones which generally don't incur long distance charges, a toll free number may not be the best solution for incoming calls. Alternatively, agencies should consider excluding calls placed from a local calling area and publishing both toll free and local access numbers for services. Agencies which block calls from local numbers will not be able to use the bill for toll free number usage to track local calling.
Ordering of toll free numbers now requires the approval of the director of the Office of Telecommunications Management.
Approval of the acquisition of a toll free number will be granted when:
- The toll free number is used in conjunction with program(s) or business activities that serve the agency's constituents;
- The toll free number is required by city, parish, state, or federal regulations or laws.
When placing an order for a toll free number, the ordering agency must provide a description of the proposed use of the toll free number. The Toll-Free Service Order Form (OTM-32) revised September 2014 should be used for this purpose.
- The agency telecommunications coordinator will submit the Toll-Free Service Order Form (OTM-32) to OTM.
- OTM will review the order request and approve, reject, or ask for additional information.
- OTM will inquire on inventory for all toll free numbers for the identical cost center and review the descriptions for the numbers (if available). If the request appears to duplicate an existing number, agency will be asked for additional information.
- OTM will submit the order to the vendor for processing, then notify the ordering agency of order completion. OTM will enter the information into the inventory/billing system. If the toll free number uses advanced features, OTM will assist with the setup.
- OTM will provide annual reports of toll free usage and consult with agencies regarding high/low usage and possible disposition of the toll free number.
Questions about this information notice should be directed to OTM Assistant Director Jolene Ardoin at 225.342.8682 or email.